Crossroads kidz

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kidz camp 2025

CrossRoads KIDZ is preparing for CentriKid Camp!


CentriKid Camp | Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, MO

July 21-25, 2025

  • Kids must have completed 3rd-6th grade.
  • Total Cost: $370
  • Deposit: $75 is due by Feb 2nd, can be turned in to Mrs. Reyna or the office.
  • Balance of $295 will be due at the end of May. 

If you or your business would like to donate a scholarship to send some students to camp, please contact Mrs. Reyna.

Join us!

Nursery 8:30, 9:45 & 10:45 a.m. (Cuddlers, Crawlers & Toddlers) Parents can worship with confidence because of our committer volunteers and staff who offer the best of God's loving care. PreSchoolers (ages 2-5) are welcome to join us in the Nursery for the 8:30 service. During the 10:45 service, toddlers enjoy Playtime activities that teach them about God's love.

Preschool Children’s Church 10:45 a.m. (Age 3 – PreK) First Look helps children understand worship and teaching through large group time while small group involves kids in activities that help them learn more about their loving heavenly father and relate the lesson to their lives.

Sunday School 9:45 a.m. (Age 3 – 6th Grade) Kids of all ages experience the excitement of discovering God’s Word for themselves through activities that have a lasting impact.

Kidz EX 10:45 a.m. (Elementary Xperience for Grades K - 6) Using Luke 2:52 as the basis, every child will learn to follow the model of Jesus to grow in wisdom, stature and favor with God and man. Small group time involves kids in activities that help them to build relationships with their peers and adult leader and to relate the lesson to their everyday life.